All presentations – regardless whether oral lectures or e-posters – will be published as abstracts (maximum 1 page) in the Book of the Workshop. The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Board, and only accepted ones may proceed in the Abstract book. Authors will be informed latest by 15th January 2021 about acceptance or rejection of their abstract.
Beside the Abstract book, top papers will be invited for publication into Peer-Reviewed Journals. By the end of the Workshop, upon the evaluation of chairmen of the respective sessions, top papers will be suggested as suitable for publication in the journals affiliated to the event. All Journals accepted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the scientifical qualification processes.
- Archives of Environmental protection [IF 2019: 1.775, Q2] - Acta Alimentaria [IF 2019: 0.458, Q3] - Discussion – Journal of life systems and natural resources - Journal of Food Investigation - Acta Agraria Debreceniensis - Journal of Landscape Ecology - Agrochemistry and Soil Science - Joural of Central European Green Innovation
The selected papers shall undergo the regular process of the respective journal – including the risk of rejection aswell.